Class Descriptions
These are the classes and career path for Podcasting, Radio, Television, Social Media, Audio and Video Production!
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Prerequisite: None.
Lecture, 3 hours.
Basic phases of radio, television and mass media broadcasting, focusing on history, theory, and legal aspects. Different forms of broadcasting will be highlighted from network to cable to first run syndication, concluding with an overview of developing technologies such as VOD and HiDef. Classes will include debate on the innovators and some of the issues that have arisen recently with the demise of financial interest in syndication rules, vertical integration, and the rise of broadband and its resultant changes in what constitutes a “broadcast.”
Prerequisite: None.
Lecture, 3 hours.
Training in the presentation of broadcast material. Fundamentals of good speech are combined with techniques for handling the problems unique to broadcasting, such as microphone techniques, reading for the camera, interviewing techniques, preparing continuity and transitions for commercial copy, promotional and public service announcements, news copy, weather and sports announcing. An opportunity may be provided to create programming for the campus radio station (KVCM).
Prerequisite: None.
Lecture, 2 hours; laboratory, 2 hours.
The basic fundamentals of acting are explored in the first semester. Demonstration, exercises, improvisations are used to practice techniques taught. Scenes are used in the second semester for the student to put into full practice their techniques. Greater emphasis is placed on character analysis and development of the actor for television. NOTE: Students will be required to provide instructional materials to complete class assignments. Additional time required.
Prerequisite: None
Lecture, 3 hours.
This course consists of digital and social media applications that relate to broadcasting and involves the study of how people communicate with others through current electronic means, primarily audio and video. The development of the Internet, new media, and social media will be examined and analyzed as broadcasting and communications applications continue to grow in the digital media age.
Prerequisite: None.
Lecture, 2 hours; laboratory, 3 hours.
Introduction, to all aspects of radio station programming and production. Included are instruction and experience in the roles of disc jockey, announcer, sportscaster, commercial announcements and news broadcaster by means of working on campus radio station KVCM. NOTE: Students will be required to provide instructional materials to complete class assignments. Additional time required.
Prerequisite: None
Lecture, 2 hours; laboratory, 2 hours.
The course examines digital audio editing and production for radio in support of commercial broadcast, cable, Internet, and related telecommunications media. The class will focus on audio editing of basic commercials to more complex produced promotional announcements and recorded messages for the campus radio station. Students may have an opportunity for finished product to air on the campus radio station KVCM.
Prerequisite: None.
Lecture, 3 hours.
Development of the ability to narrate, dub and loop films, audio cassettes and videotaped materials for use in: industrial information units, the entertainment media, educational packages, and commercial advertising. Includes the development and use of some world dialects and an indepth study of microphone techniques. NOTE: Students will be required to provide instructional materials to complete class assignments. Additional time required.
Prerequisite: None.
Lecture, 3 hours.
The course examines radio & television advertising as an economic support for commercial broadcast, cable, internet, and related telecommunications media. The class will focus on audience surveys, rate structures, client, ad rep firms, and advertising agency relationships are discussed and explored. Students may have an opportunity to sell commercials on the campus radio station KVCM.
Prerequisite: None
Field work, 3 hours.
Special problems in production, programming, research, and management in broadcast media. Practical assignments with Valley College broadcasting projects. NOTE: Students will be required to provide instructional materials to complete class assignments. Additional time required.
Prerequisite: 022-1
Field work, 3 hours.
Special problems in production, programming, research, and management in broadcast media. Practical assignments with Valley College broadcasting projects. NOTE: Students will be required to provide instructional materials to complete class assignments. Additional time required.
Prerequisite: 022-2
Field work, 3 hours.
Special problems in production, programming, research, and management in broadcast media. Practical assignments with Valley College broadcasting projects. NOTE: Students will be required to provide instructional materials to complete class assignments. Additional time required.
Prerequisite: 022-3
Field work, 3 hours.
Special problems in production, programming, research, and management in broadcast media. Practical assignments with Valley College broadcasting projects. NOTE: Students will be required to provide instructional materials to complete class assignments. Additional time required.
Prerequisite: None
Lecture, 2 hour; laboratory, 2 hours.
The course examines news, sports, and live broadcasting for radio in support of commercial broadcast, cable, Internet, and related telecommunications media. The class will focus on live remote broadcasts from various weekly events on campus. Students will have an opportunity to broadcast radio shows in combination with news, sports, and entertainment events to air on the campus radio station KVCM. A hands-on participation class. Additional lab time may be required.
Prerequisite: None
Lecture, 2 hour; laboratory, 3 hours.
This course consists of an introduction to music genres, music play lists, and creating Podcasts for radio. Included are instruction and experience in the role of the advanced disc jockey, announcer, voice tracker, and producer by means of working on campus radio station KVCM.
Prerequisite: None.
Lecture, 3 hours.
Analysis of the form and style of radio, television and film scripts and program formats. Preparation of scripts for radio, television and film.
Prerequisite: None.
Lecture, 3 hours.
This is a survey course that teaches proper terminology, and categories for analyzing television and films. Through lecture, visual presentations, and discussion, the student will learn how television programs and films are made, both technically and creatively. The student will also learn how television and film influence our social values and ethics.
Prerequisite: None.
Lecture, 3 hours.
Training in television announcing for newscasts, ad-libbing, commercials, interviewing, sportscasts, and various program performance assignments with emphasis on the development of the students individual style and personality. NOTE: Students will be required to provide instructional materials to complete class assignments. Additional time required.
Prerequisite: Broadcasting 17 or interview/audition with instructor.
Lecture, 3 hours.
Development of skills in narration, dubbing dialogue to film/video for education, industry, commercials, entertainment media. Acquiring techniques: in audio acting for animated films, radio, and dubbing English to foreign motion pictures. NOTE: Students will be required to provide instructional materials to complete class assignments. Additional time required.
Prerequisites: None
Lecture, 3 hours.
The class takes a cultural approach to television's evolution as a technology and system of representation, considering television as a system of storytelling and myth-making, and as a cultural practice, studied from anthropological, literary, and video perspectives. The course focuses on prime-time commercial broadcasting, the medium's technological and economic history, and theoretical perspectives. There is much required viewing as well as readings in media theory and cultural interpretation.
Prerequisite: Broadcasting 5.
Lecture, 4 hours.
The course is provided for the purpose of enlarging the background of student actors and directors through intensive concentration in advanced theories and methods that will increase the individual performance and direction sensitivity and flexibility. There is extensive use of videotape recording equipment by each student. NOTE: Students will be required to provide instructional materials to complete class assignments. Additional time required.
Prerequisite: None.
Lecture, 3 hours; laboratory, 3 hours.
All the basic television production essentials are covered. Training is given in the function and operation of all basic television facilities, including camera, microphones, switcher, video tape recorder, editors, and lighting equipment. The direction and production of basic types of programs are taught and practiced. Students learn to handle all of the basic staff positions on the TV studio production team. NOTE: Students will be required to provide instructional materials to complete class assignments. Additional time required.instructional materials to complete class assignments. Additional time required.
Prerequisite: None.
Lecture, 3 hours; laboratory, 3 hours.
All advanced television production essentials are covered. Training is given in the advanced form of single camera shooting, lighting, editing, and audio production. The direction and production of advanced types of programs are taught and practiced. Students learn how to produce and edit programs.
Prerequisite: None.
Lecture, 3 hours; laboratory, 3 hours.
This course is designed to provide students with basic editing skills for television and internet broadcasting promos, PSAs, commercials, and magazine shows. The end result may air on KVCM-TV.
Prerequisite: None.
Lecture, 3 hours; laboratory, 3 hours.
This course explores long-form radio and television documentary concept development, pre-production, production and post-production. Students will learn how to research and pitch a story, elements of storytelling and story structure, character development, interviewing, microphone and editing techniques, how to write and perform narration, as well as how to use natural sound, music and sound effects for radio documentaries. In addition, copyright law and other legal issues will be considered in this hands-on course.
Prerequisite: None
Lecture, 3 hours; laboratory, 3 hours.
This course will provide a comprehensive overview of all digital production aspects of news, documentary, and reality from concept to finished project. Emphasizes the use of digital equipment for location reality-based productions.
Prerequisite: Broadcasting 10 or 46, or equivalent skills interview/audition with instructor.
Field work, 2 hours.
Allows student to pursue Field Work in Media Arts on a contract basis under the direction of a supervising instructor. NOTE: Students will be required to provide instructional materials to complete class assignments. Additional time required.
Prerequisite: Broadcasting 10 or 46, or equivalent skills interview/audition with instructor.
Field work, 4 hours.
Allows student to pursue Field Work in Media Arts on a contract basis under the direction of a supervising instructor. NOTE: Students will be required to provide instructional materials to complete class assignments. Additional time required.
Prerequisite: Broadcasting 10 or 46, or equivalent skills interview/audition with instructor.
Field work, 6 hours.
Allows student to pursue Field Work in Media Arts on a contract basis under the direction of a supervising instructor. NOTE: Students will be required to provide instructional materials to complete class assignments. Additional time required.
Prerequisite: None.
Conference, 1 hour per unit.
Allows student to pursue Directed Study in Broadcasting on a contract basis under the direction of a supervising instructor. Credit limit: A maximum of 3 units per subject in Directed Study may be taken for credit.
Broadcasting is approved for Cooperative Work Experience Education credit.
See Cooperative Education, page 72, for prerequisite, course description and credit limits.
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